Fear & Money …Moan.ie
I like Moan.nie
Moan.ie is how most of us feel about having money, not having money, chasing money, saving money, managing money.
Money sounds like you’ve got some and you know what you’re talking about and you know what your next move is and you’re not flapping your arms wildly above the surface of the water.
It was 2016, the same year of the #FeesMustFall protest that I founded ClevR in a business incubation programme, named InnoTech. Entrepreneurs with a concept (pre-startup) where invited to submit their ideas online and stand a chance to be selected to take their concept to market with the support of facilitators. I was one of the fortunate few. I think the numbers were 26 of 200 applicants were selected. After 2 built in gateways there were only 7 of us who completed the programme. We’re called InnoTech Alumni. But this story is less about me and more about how important financial literacy is in South Africa 2019.
“It’s probably the biggest social problem affecting South Africa today” ~ Lebo, Seamonster.
Why then have financial service companies not thrown themselves at this startup company’s intention? There are a few answers to that but it is a big conversation for another day. But now you’re curious so I’ll speak from a place of vulerability. ClevR does not have the credibility (a portfolio of happy customers and success stories) that a corporate needs before they even consider apportioning budget for your services or product.
In 2016 I decided to embark on a bit of a hiatus. I took up a permanent position as HR Manager & QA Manager at an electrical manufacturing company in Atlantis. After 2.5 educational, exasperating and enlightening years I decided to put fresh weight, energy and heart behind ClevR again. Lo and behold…. student protests in Feb 2019.
But this is not a woe-be-me story. This is rather more a story about how ClevR seemingly has a mind and soul of it’s own.
This happened…
In 2018 a visitor from Community Chest made time for me. His message was “This needs to happen”. It was all that I needed to put yet another intentions out into the universe. I said: “ClevR — Take2 because he believes in you”. I am after all the Director and Producer of my own dreams.
In late 2018 I decided to go all out and find the funding for the digital platform. I was quickly routed to a woman who is keen to fund. That’s a big boost for anyone on an entrepreneurial mission. There was a problem though. Still no digital platform.
Then there was a post by a friend on Facebook. It reads like this:
“Somewhere in this country a black child is thinking how she is going to use her monthly NSFAS food allowance to help her mother back home renovate their family home. 😩💔😭
I just remembered how Margaret Sommerville pleaded with me not to send my Eskom bursary money home to sort out my family’s debts. I agreed and sent home R13,000 of my Jan — May back pay of my allowance and accommodation stash. This was 1996, ladies and gentleman.
It’s the card we’re dealt with as black kids. Bad financial education and it’s never gonna stop coz we put family first.”
And then this magic happened:
Mavo’s post striked up a flurry of comments. Noxolo and Adeliah connect instaneously. They go a step further, to WhatsApp then Gmail. Noxolo subject lines her email with “The fear of money”.
There are no coincidences only the inevitable and fate. Noxolo could have written Adeliah’s entire story around money, money mismanagement and fear of money. Noxolo’s story and Adeliah’s story are nearly a 100% match except of course for dates, the names of those who featured in their stories and other factual data.
What’s more is that Noxolo happens to have a background in film, so does Adeliah but hers is on a much smaller level. Noxolo also has a background in the educational content space! How wild is all of this?
What’s wild about this?
Well Noxolo showed up just as Adeliah was thinking “well, the thing about digital, tech and coding is that it is not one of my strengths so the obvious thing to do is to work with your strengths”.
Consider that I have a background in TV and Radio production then you’d understand just how timely and special this meeting between Nox’ and I is to me.
They say if you want something hard enough. The universe will conspire to make it happen. This is a testament.